is a cryptocurrency exchange. We provide a market where users who want to buy cryptocurrency can exchange orders with users who want to sell cryptocurrency. is not:
✗ A bank
✗ A broker
✗ An investment fund or advisor
✗ A shop
VALR is not a bank
VALR is not a bank and does not take deposits on behalf of its customers for savings purposes.
This means that funds should only be sent to exchanges for exchanging or trading, not for saving.
VALR is not a broker
In traditional financial exchanges, direct market access is restricted to a handful of institutions. As a result, mainstream clients need to use brokers to participate.
At VALR, we give direct market access to any verified client — making brokers obsolete.
This means that:
- Our support team cannot manage (create, modify, or cancel) orders on your behalf. It is one of the ways we ensure client security.
- If someone claims to be a cryptocurrency broker, they're almost definitely trying to run a scam.
VALR is not an investment fund or advisor
Listing a cryptocurrency on our exchange does not constitute an endorsement by VALR, nor in any way a recommendation to buy (or sell) the asset or participate in the associated network.
Our research on the cryptocurrencies we offer does not in any way consider whether the price is justified, or likely to go up or down in the future. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.
VALR is not a shop
We are not the one selling or buying cryptocurrencies from you.
This means that:
- We cannot undo or "refund" orders.
- We have no control over price.
Prices on exchanges are based on user activity.
If there are more or larger sell orders than buy orders, the buy orders start running out faster and this causes the price to go down.
If there are more or larger buy orders than sell orders, the sell orders start running out faster and it causes the price to go up.
This also explains why prices across exchanges are never exactly the same, as they have different clients with different activity.