27 January 2025
- PUT /v1/orders/modify Modify REPRICE has been added.
21 January 2025
- GET /v1/orders/history now returns totalExecutedQuantity
- GET /v1/orders/history/summary/orderid/:orderId now returns totalExecutedQuantity
- GET /v1/orders/history/summary/customerorderid/:customerOrderId now returns totalExecutedQuantity
6 January 2025
- Add a new route /v1/account/tradehistory to get an account's trading history without specifying a currency pair.
9 December 2024
- POST /v1/account/subaccounts/transfer now returns the transfer ID
- Transaction history items of type INTERNAL_TRANSFER now includes a transferId field
25 October 2024
- Add a new route /v1/loans to create a new loan.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/open to view your open loans.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/credit-history?currencySymbol=symbol to view previous loans.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/increase to increase loan amount.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/rate to update your loan's rate.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/update-history?currencySymbol=symbol to view the history of your loan updates.
- Add a new route /v1/loans/unlock to request an unlock and to cancel a request to unlock a loaned amount.
- Futures limit and market orders now support conditionalOrderData which can be used to add Stop Loss and/or Take Profit orders.
- Add a new route /v1/orders/conditionals/:currencyPair/history to fetch conditional orders by pair.
- Add a new route /v1/orders/conditionals/conditional/:currencyPair/orderid/:orderId to fetch conditional orders by pair and an order ID.
- Add a new route /v1/orders/conditionals/modify to modify conditional orders.
23 October 2024
- Added Performance Guidelines
18 September 2024
- Add reduceOnly flag information to limit and market orders.
30 August 2024
- Order Types route /v1/public/ordertypes now supports the includeInactivePairs query parameter to allow excluding inactive pairs from the result
- Add rate-limited sample messages to websockets
16 August 2024
- Order history route /v1/orders/history now includes statuses filter.
- Trade history route /v1/account/:currencyPair/tradehistory now includes skip param.
- Increased rate limits for websocket write requests to match current http rate limits.
07 August 2024
- Add new websocket order type BATCH_ORDERS
22 July 2024
- Split Account websocket section into Read and Write.
18 July 2024
- Add a new route /v1/account/subaccount to rename subaccount labels.
15 July 2024
- Increased rate limits for Post, Batch and Delete orders.
02 July 2024
Added a new route
to expose subaccount transaction history. -
Add a new route
to DELETE subaccounts
26 June 2024
Remove wire withdrawals. These are currently not supported.
04 June 2024
- Added the
route to enableGET
take profit and stop loss (conditional) orders for futures positions. - Added the following new events on the ACCOUNT websocket for futures trades:
- Added the ability to place, modify and cancel orders on the
websocket. - Added the
event on theACCOUNTS
websocket. - Open Orders call now includes
flag to easily identify open margin orders. - Added the currency pair by type public endpoint
- to list currency pairs by eitherFutures
. - Exposed the wallet send costs and minimum withdraw amounts for currencies on the public route
- Refined the descriptions and examples for Limit Only Reprice, Margin Information.
- Refined the authentication Requirements in Getting Started section.
12 February 2024
- Added stricter input validation of
for Limit Orders and Stop Limit Orders.
06 December 2023
Added a new public route
to expose the Futures funding rate history.
05 December 2023
- Updated per-second rate limits to reflect new limits.
Added the
field for Futures positions. - Added V2 API requests
Modify Limit Order (Beta) -
Account Margin Information -
Updated V1 Order History API -
date filters can now be used.
27 November 2023
responses now include the supported and default blockchain network types for deposits and withdrawals, per currency. The network type can also be supplied when creating an address book address. - NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of withdrawals and deposits, providing the network type will become mandatory for all currencies that support more than one network for withdrawals and deposits from 1 April 2024.
- Updated API's:
15 November 2023
- which returns contract details of perpetual futures contracts -
- which returns open futures contracts for an account -
- which returns a summary of closed futures contracts -
- which returns a detailed view of closed futures contracts per futures pair -
- which returns a history of futures contracts held by an account -
- a history of funding -
- to enable an account for Futures trading using the endpoint - Added an example of the
event on the TRADE websocket
09 November 2023
- Added the
to modify open and partially filled Limit Orders. - Added
event to the Account Websocket. - Updated the
WebSocket event to include the Order Modified status. - Added Margin trading to the
. - Added
, which returns Mark Price buckets for a given currency pair. - Added Limit Order Reprice to
. - Updated Trade History
to include fees and rewards
10 October 2023
Added per-second rate-limit to
18 September 2023
Added sequence number calculation to
web socket documentation.
18 August 2023
- Added V2 Exchange Buy/Sell API in Alpha.
28 July 2023
- Updated per second rate limits to reflect new limits.
14 July 2023
Added Staking API
15 May 2023
- Documented new websocket connections rate limit
Updated the
request with query parameterexcludeZeroBalances
to return non-zero balances only -
Updated the
WebSocket event to include the following fields:totalInReference
Updated pre-request script and documentation to support the yourSubAccountId
environment variable. This allows impersonating an account with every request.
06 March 2023
- Added a request to link a new fiat bank account
- Added a request for linked fiat bank account details
- Added a request to delete a linked fiat bank account
- Added a request to list all banks supported for fiat withdrawals per currency
- Added a request to get an auto-buy reference for buying a currency with a fiat deposit
Added a request to list all currencies supported for auto-buy per fiat currency
03 March 2023
Removed Deposit Instructions for Wire Transfers
25 November 2022
Updated rate limits for
Updated rate limits for
17 November 2022
- Added the Caching section.
Added the
fields to -v1/public/currencies
which are reserved for future use.
to the/v1/public/pairs
endpoint, reserved for future use.
Added the
event to theTrade
Updated the
Websocket event to include the following fields that are reserved for future use:collateral
Updated the
Websocket event to include the following fields that are reserved for future use:collateral
19 August 2022
- Clarify that per minute and per second rate limits do not interact.
- Add examples for stop orders to the Exchange Buy/Sell API.
- Increase subaccount limit to 2000 per main account.
18 August 2022
- Added `/v1/orders` request to cancel all open orders.
- Added `/v1/orders/:currencyPair` to cancel all open orders for the given currency pair.
04 August 2022
Increased per second rate limits for
Increased per second rate limits for
20 July 2022
- Updated VALR Pay documentation to reflect new ability to send and receive cryptocurrencies in addition to ZAR.
11 July 2022
- Updated per second rate limits to reflect new limits
27 June 2022
Added per second rate limits to
12 June 2022
The Market Summary APIs
now return amarkPrice
field, which is reserved for future use.
The Market Summary APIs
The Balances API
now returns the following additional fields, which are reserved for future use.lendReserved
The Simple Buy/Sell Quote API
now returns an array ofordersToMatch,
which includesprice
; if they exist.
9 May 2022
The FULL_ORDERBOOK_UPDATE Trade WebSocket stream now returns a
The FULL_ORDERBOOK_UPDATE Trade WebSocket stream now returns a
8 February 2022
- Added the FULL_ORDERBOOK_UPDATE Trade WebSocket stream. Please note that this is an alpha feature and may change in ways that are not backwards-compatible. We value any feedback! Please send your feedback to support@valr.com
The following APIs now include a
field on the returned order book:/public/:currencyPair/orderbook
The following APIs now include a
14 December 2021
Added the Wire Transfers API to facilitate USD wire bank accounts deposits and withdrawals. (
Added the Wire Transfers API to facilitate USD wire bank accounts deposits and withdrawals. (
Added the VALR Pay API (
) for initiating payments, getting payment details and history.
Added the Deposit Reference API to enable retrieval of Deposit reference by subaccount.(
31 October 2021
- Added the following APIs for interaction with subaccounts:
) - returns all non zero balances for the portfolio.
) - returns all subaccounts that belong to a primary account.
) - register a new subaccount.
) - transfer between subaccounts.
Updated the
section to include theX-VALR-SUB-ACCOUNT-ID
header for subaccount impersonation. -
Updated the rate limit for authenticated API calls.
15 September 2021
Added the Current API Key Information API (/account/api-keys/current
) which returns the currently authorised API key's information and permissions.
23 August 2021
- Batch Orders API (Alpha) is now available to batch multiple exchange orders.
- Added additional transaction types to transaction history.
transaction types including:PAYMENT_SENT
; -
Off-chain transaction types including:
; -
transaction type.
- A Stop Limits API (
) is now available to placeSTOP_LOSS_LIMIT
orders._PROFIT_LIMIT - Limit Orders (
request now acceptstimeInForce
as an optional parameter (GTC
) - Time in Force (
) field is now included inGET
responses of the following APIs:- Open Order (
) - Order History (
) - Order Status (
- Open Order (
- New order types of:
added to applicable Currency Pairs (currently BTCZAR, ETHZAR and XRPZAR) for the following Public APIs:PROFIT_LIMIT - Public Order Types (
) - Public Currency Pairs (
- Public Order Types (
- Updated example for Public Currency pairs (
) API with fieldstickSize
for each traded currency pair.lPlaces - Updated example for for all TransactionId API requests (
) with theid
field in the response - Updated documentation for Trade History API (
)tradehistory - Updated example for MarketData Trade History API (
) with thetradehistory quoteVolume
- The Order API (/orders/open) now includes the following fields in GET responses:
updatedAt, status, type - Updated the Order History APIs (/orders/history) to include the feeCurrency field
- Updated documentation: Updated the examples for Order History Detail APIs (/orders/history/detail/*) to include the fields:
- Crypto withdrawals created (/wallet/crypto/:currencyCode/
withdraw) with more decimals than the number of decimals supported by the currency will be truncated - The Currencies list (/public/currencies) now include the following new fields:
- decimalPlaces
- withdrawalDecimalPlaces
- Withdrawal Info (/wallet/crypto/:currencyCode/
withdraw) now includes the following new field: - withdrawalDecimalPlaces
- Trade History for a currency pair (/account/:currencyPair/
tradehistory) can now be filtered by the skip, limit, startTime, endTime and beforeId parameters. This is similar to Transaction History filtering.
- Asks & Bids on ZAR Orderbooks: The number of Asks and Bids sent via our Order Book APIs has been increased from 20 each to 40 each.
Order History Detail APIs (`/orders/history/detail/*`) now include the following new fields:
- executedFee
- executedQuantity
- executedPrice`
- Rate limiting: Rate limit has been updated to 120 calls per 1 minute window. When rate limited, a response code of 429 and a response header of `x-valr-ratelimited: true` will be returned.
- Example 1: You are allowed to do 120 calls from 10:10:00 to 10:10:59. When the time changes to 10:11:00, the counter will be reset and will start over.
- Example 2: If the first request comes in at 10:10:30, the counter will be reset at 10:11:00
- Separated the API and Website web socket sessions. WebSockets which were connected via the API will no longer be closed when the user logs out of the VALR website.
- When a `PING` message is received on the Trade WebSocket, a response with `NO_SUBSCRIPTIONS` in the `PONG` will be sent, if the user has not subscribed to any message types.
- When a user connects and authenticates to the Account WebSocket, all account balances and open orders associated with the user account will be sent in the response. One `BALANCE_UPDATE` message for each asset held and one `OPEN_ORDERS_UPDATE` message containing all open orders on the account, across all order books will be sent.
- The `BALANCE_UPDATE` web socket message now includes an `updatedAt` field.
- The REST GET Balances response (`https://api.valr.com/v1/account/balances`) now includes an `updatedAt` field for each asset held.
- Added the REST GET VALR Status (`https://api.valr.com/v1/public/status`) request which will indicate whether the API is "online" or in "read-only" mode. In "read-only" mode, only GET and OPTIONS requests are accepted. The "read-only" mode is sometimes necessary during maintenance.
- The `filledPercentage` field on open orders is now accurate to two decimal places.
- The REST GET Order Book (`https://api.valr.com/v1/marketdata/:currencyPair/orderbook`) response and the REST GET Order Book (Non aggregated) (`https://api.valr.com/v1/marketdata/:currencyPair/orderbook/full`) response now include a `LastChange` field, indicating the timestamp of the last update to the order book.
- The `AGGREGATED_ORDERBOOK_UPDATE` message on the Trade web socket now includes a `LastChange` field, indicating the timestamp of the last update to the order book.