Cryptocurrency held on Luno can be transferred to your VALR account in a few simple steps.
There are a few things to check before sending crypto to VALR:
- Make sure to check if the coin you wish to transfer is available / listed on VALR - You can go to the "Wallets" page on your account and search for that coin.
- Check if the deposit for that coin is active/enabled: If the deposit button is available on the wallet's page for that crypto, it indicates that the deposits are enabled.
- Check the blockchain/network on which the coin is supported - Once you click on the Deposit button, the supported blockchain/network will be mentioned above the crypto address.
How to send crypto from Luno
- Log into your Luno account, click Portfolio on the left-hand side, and select the cryptocurrency you want to send.
- Click “Send” at the top right-hand side of the screen. Note: If you have not enabled cryptocurrency sending on Luno, you have to click on “Profile” on the right-hand side, then “Security,” then “Sending cryptocurrency”, and enable sending.
- Input your VALR deposit address for the cryptocurrency you want to send. It is extremely important to input the correct cryptocurrency address and select the correct network. Sending crypto to the incorrect address on the incorrect network will result in a permanent loss of your crypto.
- To find your cryptocurrency deposit address on VALR, log in to your account and click “Wallets” at the top of the website.
- Click the three dots next to the cryptocurrency you want to send to VALR and click “Deposit. " If you have not generated an address yet, click “Generate address”.
- Copy your address from VALR and paste it into the address field on Luno, as seen in screenshot 3. Please double-check the address before continuing.
Enter the cryptocurrency amount to send from Luno to VALR, ensuring it meets the minimum requirement. Review the warning, check the box if you agree, and click "Send anyway".
Verify the deposit address, amount, and fees, then click "Confirm".
Enter your 2FA code (if enabled). Then approve the mail from Luno to authorise the transaction by clicking "Yes, send Crypto"
Congratulations, you have successfully sent your crypto to VALR!
Confirmations: Most deposits are received within a few minutes; however, depending on the coin, the blockchain, and congestion/speed, it can take some time for the blocks to get validated. We wait for a certain number of block confirmations before allocating cryptocurrency deposits. While you are waiting for the blockchain confirmations, you will be able to see the pending deposit in your transaction history on your VALR account.
- Please ensure you send the right crypto to the right address. Sending anything other than Bitcoin (BTC) to a BTC address, including Bitcoin Cash (BCH), will result in a permanent loss of your crypto.
- When you withdraw/deposit cryptocurrency that supports a Destination TAG/Memo, please ensure that you enter the correct TAG/Memo.
- For very large transactions, it is wise to first send a smaller “test deposit” to ensure that the correct address and network were entered. Once the test deposit successfully lands at VALR, you can proceed to send the larger amount using the same details.
- Withdrawing and depositing cryptocurrencies is different from buying and selling. If you're interested in trading one cryptocurrency for another, please look at our trading guide.