If you have cryptocurrency on another platform or wallet, you can transfer them to your VALR account in a few steps.
Few things to check before sending crypto to VALR:
- Make sure to check if the coin you wish to transfer is available / listed on VALR - You can go to the "Wallets" page on your account and search for that coin.
- Check if the deposit for that coin is active/enabled: If the deposit button is available on the wallet's page for that crypto, it indicates that the deposits are enabled.
- Check the blockchain/network on which the coin is supported - Once you click on the Deposit button, the supported blockchain/network will be mentioned above the crypto address.
You can receive crypto from an external wallet to your VALR wallet by following the below steps:
- Go to the Wallets page
- Search for the Crypto you wish to receive in VALR
- Click on the Deposit button
- Scan the QR code or copy the address shown on the page.
- Use this address as the withdrawal address (or sometimes called the send address) when sending from an external wallet.
Confirmations: Most deposits are received within a few mins; however, depending on the coin, the blockchain, and congestion/speed it can take some time for the blocks to get validated. We wait for a certain number of block confirmations before allocating cryptocurrency deposits.
- Please ensure you send the right crypto to the right address. Sending anything other than bitcoin (BTC) to a BTC address, including bitcoin cash (BCH), will result in a permanent loss of your crypto.
- Please ensure you enter the correct Destination TAG when sending or receiving XRP.
- Withdrawing and depositing cryptocurrencies is different from buying and selling. If you're interested in trading one cryptocurrency for another, please look at our trading guide.