VALR's priority is to ensure a safe and secure environment for its customers to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Due to the nature of contentious forks where the process of claiming a forked token may introduce risks and interruptions for VALR's customers, VALR's default policy is not to support forks or their associated tokens.
We will always do our best to accommodate our customers and will make announcements if we have anything to share about future forks.
If a customer want to claim any forked coins, tokens or cryptocurrencies, they are advised to withdraw their cryptocurrencies from VALR into their own personal wallets before the fork takes place where they can proceed with any such claims in their own capacity.
Please note that there are significant risks involved when claiming or transacting with your forked tokens, including malicious token splitting or claiming services, replay attacks and more. As such VALR advises its customers to exercise caution in these circumstances.