These guidelines are designed to help you create a secure password for your VALR account.
Password requirements
- Minimum length is 8 characters.
- Must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.
- Must contain at least 1 lowercase letter.
- Must contain at least one number.
- Must contain at least one special character (e.g. !, @, #, $ etc.) -- spaces do not count.
- Must not contain your name, any part of your name or email address.
Password recommendations
- If your password is less than 15 characters long, it should not contain "common" words (e.g. common passwords or names).
- The best passwords are usually passphrases that are easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess.
- The best passphrases are usually nonsensical phrases with a few misspelled words, capital letters, numbers, or special characters thrown in.
- e.g. "Sp00fia Could2#2 Pumba-Ching"
- Famous quotes should be avoided.
- Use a password manager to keep your passwords safe from theft or forgetfulness.