A Simple Swap allows VALR customers to buy any cryptocurrency directly with USDC (or sell any cryptocurrency to receive USDC).
Simple Swaps pair two liquid markets together in order to bring you a seamless experience of buying or selling any cryptocurrency on VALR directly with USDC. Simple Swaps use BTC or ETH as a bridge currency to enable your trade. For example, if you wish to buy DOGE with USDC you can now do that on VALR. To enable this, VALR automatically trades USDC for BTC and then BTC for DOGE.
Please note that Simple Swaps encompass two trades. One to swap the asset you have for a bridge currency and then a second to swap the bridge currency for the asset you want. You will see both transactions in your transaction history when a Simple Swap is executed.
Charges for Simple Swaps can be found here.